Fresh Mac版是一款Mac平台的免Finder快速查找定位使用文件的辅助工具,软件功能强大,操作简单,这是一款非常实用的文件搜索工具。Fresh Mac版可以帮助我们快速定位文件的所在位置,提高我们寻找目标文件夹的效率。这是一款非常不错的系统优化软件,帮助用户更方便的使用Mac系统。欢迎来9553免费的下载体验。
通常情况下,比如我们在写一篇稿子,我们会使用文件插入功能然后通过finder到 达指定文件路径插入文件,这个过程中会出现这么几种影响效率的情况:不记得文件在哪个文件夹了、频繁地打开文件夹肯定会影响操作效率,通过使用这个工具, 我们就能快速的查找定位到刚刚下载下来的文件、结合Spotlight定位到指定文件,然后我们直接拖拽到编辑的稿子内就行。
Fresh Mac版的软件特色:
“Where did I just save that file to?” is no longer a problem. Tag files, keep a handy floating dock of things you need.
It also allows you to instantly find anything you download, open, or save, even if you can't remember the name.
There is also a cooler area - a dock for your files - where you can store references to files that you are currently using.
-Instantly access the files that you are working on.
-Downloads from the web show up without having to remember the file name.
-Usually access it with a configurable keyboard shortcut.
-Built for Mavericks. Runs back to 10.7.
-Works with full screen apps - grab that file without ever leaving full screen mode.
-Shows recent files, favourites (like a dock), spotlight search, or just navigate to any file directly.
-Shows all recently changed files automatically.
-Rename or trash files.
-Preferences for many options.
-Runs as small icon in menu bar.
-Large easy to use UI hides itself when you drag files out.