MacDraft Pro mac破解版是Mac平台上的一款CAD绘图软件,MacDraft Pro mac破解版针对设计、建筑和工程人员来说是很强大的矢量图工具,能够简单的制作素描和图纸。
【2】可定制的工具栏,节省您的时间,去菜单为经常使用的命令。拖放库面板使得寻找项目更容易,所以可以更快的使用比以前的图书馆事业。新的层调色板保持可见的所有时间常数反馈给AMD的层你正在编辑的简化操作。 【3】图像不需要预处理,现在随着图像菜单和图像带来更多的功能在macdraft体育新调整的调色板。我们增加了新的模板和样本库来帮助你开始放松。
Designed for CAD users of all levels, this software offers a full complement of drawing tools as well as both ANSI and international standard dimensioning capabilities. Its multilayered, scaled drawing environment supports both feet/inches and metric dimensions. In addition, MacDraft Pro offers linked dimensioning to automatically update dimensions as you modify components.
MacDraft Pro allows you to save symbol libraries which can contain all of your commonly used drawing items. Microspot also supplies at extra cost, a symbol library of 2000 items comprising architectural, electrical and graphic symbols. Perfect for producing simple sketches or complex drawings, Microspot MacDraft is excellent for mechanical, architectural and engineering design, as well as for technical illustration. MacDraft is so easy to use it appeals to those seeking a powerful, low cost solution for their drawing and drafting needs.