CrazyTalk Animator Mac版是一款Mac OS平台上的2D动画制作工具,软件功能强大,操作简单。CrazyTalk for mac开创 2D 动画新纪元!可以使用任何照片或插图来创建角色。借助自动的脸部动画和创新的木偶运动,能够使得舞台上的角色栩栩如生。使用场景和道具来拖放建立动画。支持完整的2D动画流程。在苹果商店可以下载到这一款动画设计软件,当前售价29.99美元。
CrazyTalk Animator 提供了一个令人兴奋的新方法,传统的二维动画与创新的新工具,允许用户为3D动作应用到2D人物。新的强大的工具已经开放自由编辑二维运动,并从一个单一的点击任意角度观看他们新的可能性。结合功能性的功能,如脸部木偶和自动唇音同步,它已成为最有创意的工具,2D人物动画。
- 完整的2D动画环境
- 拖放媒体进行编辑
- 改善的时间轴和关键帧动画
- 真实的Z深度层和3D摄像机视图
- 真实面部和身体的木偶表演
- 自动与文字和音频文件口型同步
- 凭借IK和FK控制进行关键编辑 演员创建
- 从照片创建虚拟演员
- 脸部和身体照片匹配
- 自定义的3D面部轮廓
- 来自于Character Composer的毫无限制的服饰风格
CrazyTalk7 is the most popular facial animation tool that uses sound and text to vividly animate facial images. With this groundbreaking Auto Motion technology, you just need to import images, specify the facial feature points and record your own voice to automatically generate lip-syncs to create 3D life-like, talking videos.
Upgrade to PRO version to get advanced auto animation functions and custom settings.
"Great fun, animation intelligently understands recorded audio and responds accordingly, inexpensive.” - MacWorld, UK
Endless Possibilities
•Casual: Anyone can animate talking pets, sketch drawings, baby photos or inanimate objects to create fun and interesting videos in minutes.
•Social: Communicate in a fresh way with visual messages, animated holiday greetings, or lively presentations that grab everyone’s attention.
•Education: Students and educators greatly benefit by conveying information, arousing interest, and participation, in a fun and natural way.
•Media: The powerful editing tools allow professional animation for music videos, storytelling, comic/cartoon generation and more!